Huwebes, Marso 10, 2011

Planning a program for the party

Crafting a balanced program for you dream debut party is not really as hard as it sounds. All it takes is a little imagination. There are endless possibilities in creating a program for your dream debut. A program can be as short as two hours or as long as until wee hours of the night. You can go as crazy as making everyone involved and participate in different aspects of the program.

The debutante’s program can also flow like this:

- Guests arrive
- Welcoming of guests
- Ushering of guests by ushers to their designated seats
- Cocktails for guests to mingle (so that they would not mingle once the program starts, and to give you ample time to prepare before your grand entrance).
- After everyone has settled in their place, the host will make mention of important people who graced the occasion (if there are).
- At this point, cocktails are being served.
- Parents talk about debutante (brief summary)- achievement, goals, ambitions, etc.
- Audio-visual presentation of debutante from infancy to present.
- GRAND ENTRANCE of debutante
- Parents talk some more about the debutante (optional)
- Toast in honor of the debutante
- Debutante speech
- Prayer
- Dining
- AVP of well wishers
- Father and daughter dance (This may also be incorporated into the eighteen roses. Fathers are usually the first or last dance of the debutante)
- Eighteen roses (speech and dance)
- Eighteen candles (speech)
- Singing of birthday song
- Cutting of birthday cake
- Games
- Introduction of the debutante, her escort and her cotillion court
- Debutante’s thank you speech
- Party time
- Everyone dances

Other variations may be the following:

* The host will have a talk, more of like an introduction and a short summary of the program, a little talk on what is in store for the guests so that they would be enticed into finishing and staying for the duration of the party and making the party a success. The host need not mention the juicy parts (those surprise numbers and whatnots)
* For parents who are shy to talk in front of a crowd, the host will do the introduction about the debutante. There will be a little talk before the debutante is introduced. Probably the host may interview some guests and probably ask them some unforgettable moments with the debutante.
* For the eighteen roses, each guy can give a note for the host to read while they are dancing. This can also be recorded and played together with the background music while they dance.
* Cotillion can be danced at the end of the program after which everybody may dance and which may mark the start of the dancing.
* The father or parents of the debutante will talk about the celebrant (you can make a Powerpoint or Flash presentation for everyone to see that has baby pictures or some important milestones of the debutante’s life)
* Father dances with his daughter as a separate part of the program.
* Escort/ bf takes debutante for a dance then everyone dance after some time
* Some also incorporate 18 wines, 18 treasures, 18 gifts as a variation so that most of the guests would be able to greet the debutante.
* Games are inserted on different parts of the program.

Here is a more detailed flow of program but the arrangement can be tweaked here and there according to preference.

1. Registration/Arrival of Guests/Receiving of gifts/Cocktails.
2. Settling of guests on their seats
3. Introduction by the emcee
4. Acknowledgment of the Parents and other VIPs
5. Introduction and entrance of the grand cotillion
6. GRAND ENTRANCE OF THE DEBUTANTE and her escort (optional)
7. Welcome remarks and toast by the Parents
8. AVP of debutante (pictures from infancy to present)
9. Grand cotillion
10. Invocation/Prayer before Meal
11. Dinner and pictorials
12. AVP of well-wishers
13. 18 ROSES
15. 18 SHOTS
16. Singing of birthday song, blowing of 18 CANDLES and cutting of birthday cake
18. DEBUTANTE’s thank you speech
19. PARTY/Everybody on the dance floor

So remember, in making your program, list first what part of the basic program you want to retain or delete and then you can make your own rendition according to your liking. Don’t make it too long but don’t make it too short either. Create a balanced program and be imaginative in adding your own flavor into it. A debut party well thought of is a debut party well remembered.

Miyerkules, Marso 9, 2011

what to wear on my debut

 When I was a little girl, all I ever dreamed of is to become a princess. But my dream changes as I grew older.  Now that I'm turning 18, my dream of becoming a princess will turned into a reality for a night.  Every princess needs a unique, trendy and fabulous gown to wear.  But choosing a dress that matches you is the most difficult part. I wanted a gown that is trendy with a touch of modern urban. So I did a lot of research in finding the perfect dress that suits my personality. Then I found something unique, trendy and very modern, it is called high low dresses. Here are some pictures that i personally choose for my debut.  If you wanna know what dress style you want, you can check out this website:

Debut The Traditional Way

The Philippine Debut is a cultural tradition of the Filipino people. It is a coming-of-age celebration for Philippine women that is somewhat reminiscent of the Spanish "Quinceañera" celebration. The difference between the Spanish Quinceanera and the Philippine Debut is the age at which the celebration takes place. The Philippine debut celebrates a woman entering into her 18th year, while the Spanish Quinceañera takes place on a young lady's 15th birthday.
On their 18th birthday, Philippine women throw a large party, complete with her own hand-picked debut court of 18 people. These 18 are 9 males and 9 females who the celebrant pairs off into partners. The celebrant's court usually wears a uniform formal outfit chosen by the celebrant similar to that of a wedding party, while the celebrant typically wears an extravagant ball gown.
The birthday celebrant along with her partner and court perform traditional debut dances for their guests. The most important dance that the celebrant and her court performs is known as the "Grand Cotillion Dance" which is usually a classic waltz. There is also an "18 Roses Dance" where 18 males picked by the celebrant beforehand dance with her after presenting her with a single red rose. This dance is almost always preceded with the memorable "Father and Daughter Dance".
During the celebration, the debutante also has 18 chosen "candles". These "candles" are females who know the celebrant and must give a short speech on either their relationship with the celebrant and/or any special birthday wishes they have for their celebrant. After all the food, entertainment, and Philippine Debut traditions for this wonderful occasion has gone under way, the celebrant brings the celebration to a close with a Debutante's speech in which she shares her life experience and gratitude with her beloved guests. Philippine men receive their Debut, when they turn 21 years of age.